
Why Study Engineering?

A lot of high school students regularly analyse the benefits and drawbacks of specialising in engineering at university level. Even current engineering students consider whether to continue their studies at some point during their degree programmes. Feeling uncertain? Continue reading for five excellent factors for studying engineering.

  1. Engineering education is prestigious.

Don’t overlook the status that comes with engineering studies. Everyone is aware of the extensive training required to become an engineer, and when they hear that you are one, they will say, “Wow!” Furthermore, they are fully aware of the challenges that engineering students have while they pursue their studies. Respect, therefore, comes naturally.

  1. You are prepared for career success.

Your entire thought process changes. You acquire how to think like an engineer. You acquire logical-thinking and critical-analysis skills. Decision-making skills are improved. When it comes to business, you become more ephemeral and less sentimental. In the professional world, in any subject, each of these skills is crucial. Therefore, engineers typically perform well regardless of the industry they chose, and they frequently become effective managers. So much so that among Fortune 500 CEOs, engineering is the most popular undergraduate degree.

  1. You will be prepared for any issue.

I’m not claiming that once you’ve earned your engineering degree, you won’t run into issues or challenges again. You definitely will. Possibly even more challenging than the ones you encountered while earning your degree. However, you will also be equipped with the knowledge and self-assurance necessary to solve any issue. You will be fully aware of both the best course of action and the best landing zone. No issue, no matter how big, will appear insurmountable. In fact, you will begin to see every issue as a test and a chance to advance.

  1. It provides monetary stability.

Engineering is for you if you have a desire for a wealthy, extravagant lifestyle or simply a wish for a better future. The majority of academic think tanks, blogs, and news websites list engineering as one of the degree fields with the highest salaries. In fact, engineering schools occupy about 40% of the spots on lists of the top 10 paid degrees. One of the most well-known and lucrative engineering specialities is chemical engineering, which also includes computer, electrical, nuclear, and petroleum engineering. Starting earnings are typically in the range of US$60k, with the potential to increase to US$180k as your career develops.

  1. You have the opportunity to transform the world.

When you are genuinely making a positive contribution to society, it feels extremely great. When someone says, “I created that bridge,” while gazing upon a recently built bridge, there are no adequate words to convey the emotion. If you ever have the opportunity to speak with an engineer about his or her profession, note how proud they become when discussing how they helped create anything new, even if it is something as simple as a website “like” button.

We therefore hope that my blog has given high school students who are considering a career in engineering some inspiration. We  also hope it has sufficiently inspired the existing learners to get up off the couch and finish the assignment they have been putting off.

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