What is A GMAT Test?
The Graduate Management Admission Test, the GMAT, is a computer based, multiple choice and computer adaptive exam that is accepted globally for admission to MBA and other Programs.
The GMAT score is accepted for admissions to more than 7,700 programs offered by more than 2,400 universities and colleges in 114 countries. The exam is conducted in over 600 test centres across the world.
GMAT Score range: GMAT is Scored between 200 to 800. More than 60% of test takers score between 400 and 800.
GMAT Sections:
The GMAT contains four distinct section types;

The GMAT Quant section assess your knowledge of math, including number properties, algebra, statistics, and geometry. It is designed to tests you on your ability to think logically about math concepts. The GMAT Quant section consists of two problem sets:
Data Sufficiency (DS) problems consist of a question and two statements of data. You are not expected to solve for a mathematical answer but your task is to determine whether the statements provide sufficient information such that someone could solve the problem.
Problem Solving (PS) is a unique standardized test problem type. You will be presented with a question and five possible answer choices and you will have to solve for a value or an algebraic expression.
Number of Questions: 31 total questions
13–14 Data Sufficiency questions
17–18 Problem Solving questions
Time Duration: 62 minutes
The GMAT Verbal section aims to test your command over standard written English, your skill in arguments analysed, and your critical reading ability. Verbal section will have three problem types in this section:
- Critical Reasoning
Critical Reasoning (CR) problems assess your ability to evaluate arguments and presenting a plan of action. You will be given a short argument or a series of statements and a question relating to that information. You will be asked to find an assumption or conclusion, to strengthen or to weaken an argument, or to evaluate a conclusion or to resolve a discrepancy.
- Sentence Correction
In Sentence Correction (SC), you will typically face long and involved sentences. A part or entire sentence will be underlined, and you will be tasked to look for the best version of the underlined section out of the original or one from four alternatives. The original sentence may be correct or may have one or more errors, and some of the answer choices may have new errors.
- Reading Comprehension
You will be given with an academic reading passage on a topic related to science , business , technology , history and asked 3 to 4 questions about the given text. Reading comprehension tests your critical reading skills and your ability to summarize the main idea and analyse the logical structure of the passage.
Number of Questions
36 total problems
12-14 Reading Comprehension
9-10 Critical Reasoning
12-13 Sentence Correction
Time Duration: 65 minutes
The Integrated Reasoning section tests your quant and verbal skills together. This section is designed to test your ability to interpret and analyse graphs and tables. It has 4 types of questions;
Multi Source Reasoning
Multi Source Reasoning questions present you with two or three tabs of information, including text, tables or visuals. You will typically need to solve three separate problems based on this information like Reading Comprehension passage. MSR questions may come in the form of 5-answer multiple choice or in the form of Either-Or statements like True or False.
Table Analysis
Table Analysis questions present you with a table, typically in form of 4 to 8 columns and 8 to 25 rows of data, and you will be expected to solve one problem based on that table. The problems will always appear in the form of Either-Or statements (e.g. True or False).
Graphics Interpretation
Graph problems will come to you with some kind of visual like a pie chart or bar graph, or possibly something more unexpected, such as a genetic map, an organizational chart, or something created just for the test. Your task is to understand how these visual works and what information it contains. Graph questions appear in the form of one or two sentences with two fill in the blanks; and you will have to fill in the two blanks through drop down menu choices.
Two Part Analysis
Two Part questions are very much similar to standard 5 answer multiple choice problems, but they have one twist. Rather than answer one question with one answer, they will have two questions. For example, one question may ask you to both strengthen and weaken an argument, or a question may ask you to catch variable x and variable y. You will be given one possible set of 5 or 6 answer choices and choose an answer for each of the two parts of the question from given one set of answers.
Time Duration 30 Minutes
The Analytical Writing Assessment is use to anlayse your writing skills and it is not graded by computer but a human grader assess your writing skills. You will be given with an argument and asked to present your point of view on the same.
When scoring your writing examiners are evaluating whether you can clearly identify and deeply analyse parts of the argument, develop and organize your ideas thoughtfully and logically, and you are able to connect statements with clear transitions.
No of Question 01
Time Duration 30 Minutes