
What are Scholarships?

A Scholarship is a form of financial aid, provided to a student by a university to further their education. Scholarships are awarded to students to recognise their academic excellence.

For colleges and universities, scholarships are financial aid awards designed to help students pay for an undergraduate degree. Sometimes a scholarship is a one-time check. Other school scholarships are renewable and provide money for students each semester or school year. These awards differ from student loans in that they don’t have to be repaid.

A scholarship is financial support awarded to a student, based on academic achievement or other criteria that may include financial need, for the purpose of schooling.

There are various types of scholarships – the two most common being merit-based and need-based. The donor or department funding the scholarship sets the criteria for recipient selection, and the grantor specifically defines how the money is to be applied. The funds are used to defray the costs of tuition, books, room, board and other expenses directly tied to a student’s educational cost through the university.

Criteria for Scholarships:

● Academic Excellence Scholarships: many universities offer scholarships to students who achieve specified grades in their academics. The academic performance is measured using different criteria such as Grades , Percentage or GPA.

● Musical Scholarships: If you are good at singing or playing a musical instrument, and would be happy to perform during your stay at the university, you could be awarded with a musical scholarship. You do not have to be studying Music to be eligible.

● Personal Circumstances: Scholarships that are based on your personal circumstances, such as where you come from, if you are a care leaver, what your parents do for a living or your religion. These might come from local authorities or religious organizations or charities.

● Financial Need: These are the more traditional types of scholarships which award money to individuals who are in financial need and may not be able to attend university without the money. These are often called grants or bursaries and you may need to prove your financial situation to be awarded. Need based scholarships are generally of lower value compared to Academic Scholarships.

● Sporting achievement: If you have made outstanding achievements in sport, many universities will offer scholarships to attract the best talent. You will, of course, have to compete for the university in your sport.
● Company scholarships: More and more companies are starting to offer scholarships and some include work experience as part of the offer. Industry Associations are also using scholarships to encourage and attract new talent to join their profession. Females studying Engineering are in particular demand. Often companies offering scholarships have some kind of conditions or bond as a part of the offer.

● Your interests and hobbies: there are some scholarships which are based on your extra-curricular activities such as showing a commitment to social engagement or improving the lives of others. Many NGOs offer scholarships to students in respect of their social contributions. These types of scholarships are mostly available in the field of Humanities.

● Other scholarships: increasingly there are more scholarships being offered by companies, where all students have to do is submit an essay or video. Quite a few are coming from America, where scholarships are much more commonplace and these American companies are now opening up their scholarships to UK students. Others are from UK companies who are starting to realise the opportunities of this scheme.

What are the different types of scholarships that I can apply for?
The different types of scholarships available:
● Academic Excellence Scholarships: many universities offer scholarships to students who achieve specified grades in their A Levels to encourage the higher achieving students to choose their university. They are not all asking for A*AA, some are offering money for ABB or less.
● Musical Scholarships: If you are good at singing or playing a musical instrument, and would be happy to perform during your stay at the university, you could be awarded with a musical scholarship. You do not have to be studying Music to be eligible.
● Personal Circumstances: Scholarships that are based on your personal circumstances, such as where you come from, if you are a care leaver, what your parents do for a living or your religion. These might come from local authorities or religious organisations or charities.
● Financial Need: These are the more traditional type of scholarships which award money to individuals who are in financial need and may not be able to attend university without the money. These are often called grants or bursaries and you may need to prove your financial situation to be awarded.
● Sporting achievement: If you have made outstanding achievements in sport, many universities will offer scholarships to attract the best talent. You will, of course, have to compete for the university in your sport.
● Company scholarships: More and more companies are starting to offer scholarships and some include work experience as part of the offer. Industry Associations are also using scholarships to encourage new talent to join their profession. Females studying Engineering are in particular demand.
● Your interests and hobbies: there are some scholarships which are based on your extra-curricular activities such as showing a commitment to social engagement or improving the lives of others.
● Other scholarships: increasingly there are more scholarships being offered by companies, where all students have to do is submit an essay or video. Quite a few are coming from America, where scholarships are much more commonplace and these American companies are now opening up their scholarships to UK students. Others are from UK companies who are starting to realize the opportunities of this scheme.

How do I find scholarships?

  1. University Websites
  2. Embassies
  3. Government Agencies
  4. Scholarship Portals
  5. News Paper Adds

When should I apply?
The application deadline for scholarships varies. You should check each one to find out when to apply however do remember that some require you to apply before you know your A-level results and others once you have your place confirmed at university. There are also scholarships available for when you are in your second or third year at university, keep an eye out whilst you are studying as a cash boost every now and then will always be welcome to a student.
Benefits of Getting Scholarship

  1. Financial Assistance
    The primary motto of a scholarship is to provide financial assistance to the students. The scope of education is expanding these days, and so does the educational expenses.
    There is an “n” number of courses provided by universities and institutions, which vary from short term and long term courses, and thus, a student or his parents find it difficult to finance his education.
    Due to this financial scarcity, many talented students either leave their dreams and settle for whatever they are getting in their limited resources or take loans from financial institutions. Loans inflict extra burden and worry on students as they are required to be paid back with interest.
    Opposite to loans, scholarships are financial assistance in which the student is under no obligation to pay it back. Therefore, scholarships do not put an extra burden on the students and, at the same time, help them to pursue their dreams and ambitions.

2. It Helps A Student To Focus On His Goals

Scholarship recipients are indeed fortunate. Scholarships help to ease the financial burden and keep them focussed on their goals. When a student is rewarded with a scholarship, the sole duty remains with him is to focus on his goals. He is freed from all kinds of financial burdens and tensions. He can now work hard and sincerely walk towards his goals.

When the mind is free, it can do wonders. Scholarships free students from part-time jobs, the tension of paying back loans, arranging the amount of interest, and the idea of leaving behind their dreams and providing them enough time, which can be solely utilized in studies and pursuing other talents.
Many scholarships along with tuition fees waiver makes arrangements for monthly expenses as well this relieves the student from doing any part time job which costs them their time.

3. Paying College Fees

Not everyone is financially strong to pay their college fees. Even the fees of college are touching skies, and in this situation, scholarships are boon to students who are finding difficulty in paying their college fees. Getting a degree from a well-known college has become a very expensive task.
It is more difficult to pay the fees of international colleges by middle-class families, but, today, scholarships have made it easy. A scholarship has made education from well-known universities accessible to all and, at the same time, reduced the financial burden of students and parents.

4. Helps To Get Admission In Popular Universities

You all must remember Anand Kumar from Bihar and what stopped him getting admission in Cambridge beautifully depicted in Super30 Movie. There are many who are deprived of getting in top universities just because of lack of fund and reason is unable to pay high fees.

There are many well-known colleges which are searching for extraordinarily skilled and talented students for adding them into the existing group of students. For the same, they conduct various examinations and provide scholarships to those who clear the examination with flying colors.
These students will increase the standards of the college and help existing students to grow. The college will also excel in the field of research and development, and the student who received the scholarship will be given adequate resources to perform the same.
Altogether we can say that scholarship plays decisive role in building students career.

5. Enhance The Resume

Students receiving scholarships reap its benefit throughout their life. It is no less than a Gold medal in the Olympics and it’s a lifetime achievement.

A resume is the first thing that an interviewer will go through even before taking your interview. When a student receives a scholarship, the same is added to the resume and will leave a positive impression on the mind of the interviewer.
Not only this, such a candidate will find himself in a superior position than his fellow candidates. The resume will reflect that such a candidate is potential, hard-working, and equipped with all the skills and qualities needed for that particular job.

6. Finds Job Easily

Companies are always looking for highly talented , self motivated candidates with proven academic records and other achievements. Candidates who have already proved themselves are their first choice.

The student who is rewarded with a scholarship can easily find a job. The population is increasing, so do the job opportunities, but the latter is increasing at a slower rate, and therefore finding a job after completing studies is a very painful task these days.
Those candidates who are rewarded with any scholarship in the past are preferred over other candidates as the former are considered as hard-working and knowledgeable.

7. Part Time Job Is No More Necessary

Meeting daily expenses is always a challenge for many students. Students are pushed to work hard to earn their daily wages by taking out their precious time to work and earn. This is a loss of their valuable time which can be compensated with scholarship.

As we were already talking about the increased fees of the colleges, students take some of the other part-time jobs to handle their expenses and college fees. Colleges need minimum attendance, and so do part-time jobs, and therefore the students are trapped between their college and job.
They get less time for enhancing their skills and talents; and devoting it to studies. Such talented minds feel helpless and have to settle for whatever opportunities they are getting.

8. Developing The Personality

Personality is all that matters in the end. Scholarship is reflection of who you are and what you are capable of achieving in life.
Scholarship grooms the personality of a student. Getting a scholarship is not an easy task as the student has to go through many tests and interviews, which make them strong, energetic, and skillful.
After they receive their scholarship, they are guided by very talented and knowledgeable minds, which help them to know various things and exchange much valuable information. Not only this, many get a training session after getting a scholarship, which helps them to cope up with all kinds of fear they have in their mind and, in turn, helps in the development of their personality.

9. Help To Financially Weaker Section Of Society

Education is right, not a privilege. It should be available to all, not to few. Education is only ladder for weak and poor can use to rise up and reach the top.

Education is a right granted by the provisions of the Constitution of India. The government is trying hard to provide equal educational opportunities to all, and scholarships are making their job simpler. Talent can be found anywhere, in posh societies, and even in slums.
The talents which are there in the weaker section of the society cannot be ignored as they are the future of the country and a source of motivation to those who are equally talented but not fortunate enough to finance their education and skills.
Scholarship provides financial aid to the less fortunate ones and helps them to achieve their desired goals. These people are not only talented but are filled with energy to work for the society, and scholarship is the best push they can get.

10. Sharing Of Ideas

Scholarship is an exclusive club for high achievers which host brightest minds together. It is a club where like minded people build on their future for their own goods and for others in general.
The group of students who gets a scholarship from a particular institution comes from various backgrounds, and this gives a great opportunity for them to meet new people. They cooperate, understand them, and share different ideas among themselves. The students feel free to share their thought without being judged.
Though others will raise questions, the answers given for the same will be fruitful to research and development. They will be asked to do many group activities, which will increase their confidence level and will add the virtue of team spirit to them.

11. Perpetual Membership

Scholarship award is not transitory but a lifetime recognition and the achievers are always held in high spirit for their extraordinary achievement. Their attachment with university or colleagues is not temporary but for lifetime.
The scholarship provides life-long membership to a student. He gets free educational advice from teachers and other dignitaries of the college. They are free to attend any workshops or seminars held at the college.
Above mentioned are the benefits of scholarship which a student enjoys. It removes the financial burden and other obligations from the shoulder of a student but, at the same time, imposes various others.
The student who wants to get a scholarship needs to work very hard as others are craving for that scholarship too. Even after getting a scholars

12. Saves you from Debt: Daunting monster

Scholarship is indeed a blessing in disguise and Debt is no less evil than a monster in life. It is seen that students pay off their tuition fees for their entire life and are not able to get rid of it. As per statistics thousands of students suffer throughout their lives to pay their debt.

Many students graduate from college with huge loan debts. The thought of repaying all the money limits their education. It also creates immense pressure on them for getting placed at good packages. This is the reason why most students can’t pursue careers, which don’t pay high salaries at entry level, even if they want to.On the other hand, a scholarship comes as free money and allows students like you to follow your dreams. It helps in empowering your academic and career goals by removing the financial barrier.

How to Apply for Scholarships?

Almost all top universities will have scholarships available for students to apply for. You just need to know what they are, where you can find them, and how you can put yourself forward for them. Be aware that putting together a successful scholarship application does often require a significant amount of time. But of course, if you’re successful, your efforts will be well worth it.

Scholarships can be applied Online or Offline. Before applying for scholarships you must check your eligibility and other parameters;

Scholarships checklist:
● Are you eligible?
● Do you know the deadline?
● Have you got all the necessary information? This will vary depending on the scholarship application, but usually includes academic record, proof of financial circumstances and confirmation of your study plans.
● Do your referees know what scholarship(s) you are applying for?
● Have you and a friend/family member proofread your scholarship application?
● Have you submitted your application before the deadline?

Scholarship Selection Process:

Every scholarship has a defined process and procedure to apply and a set of criterias to select a candidate. Every scholarship follows a rigorous selection process before awarding scholarship to students.

  1. GPA & Meets Requirements
    Academic performance is one of the main selection criteria for scholarships.
    A strong and consistent GPA is one of the important criteria. Many scholarships require at least a 3.0 or even a 3.5. If the award is a renewable amount that’s paid out annually, as opposed to a one-time award, you could require that the student maintain a certain GPA annually while or risk forfeiting any future funds. This requirement could also provide a continuing source of motivation for the student when school is challenging.
    The fastest way to get your scholarship application rejected from the pile is to apply for a scholarship for which you do not qualify. Not to mention, it’s a huge waste of your time. That is why it is paramount to your scholarship search to only apply for scholarships that fit within your academic, extracurricular and philanthropic abilities and achievements. Therefore before applying to scholarships candidates must check out for their academic requirements.
  2. Financial need
    Often, scholarship criteria involve financial need. You may want to help talented students who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend college because of its growing costs. Requiring that the income of applicants’ families falls below a certain amount is a common guideline that’s easy to verify via tax documents, payroll stubs, and the like.
  3. Geographic boundaries
    Geographic boundaries are another popular criteria choice. Many scholarship organizations divide their number of awards based on geographical locations. For Example Chevening scholarship has different quotas for different countries likewise many more organizations do the same.
    Establishing this sort of requirement also allows you to serve a specific community, most likely a geographic region your organization serves. This type of criteria is aimed to develop particular region with the help of scholarships to best and brightest minds who can go back and serve their people.
  4. Organized Appearance
    Scholarship judges are also looking for applications that are easy-to-read, free of typos and are not missing any components. Most scholarship applications these days are hosted online, but for those that require a handwritten application or essay, make sure you use your best penmanship. It’s not a bad idea to practice writing your essay beforehand and then copying it perfectly to the application later.
  5. Personal Touch
    Personality is a crucial aspect.It is about who you are and what you stand for. What makes a scholarship application stand out most to judges is personality – or a unique voice. They want to hear about what makes your school experience special or what can separate you from other applicants. Do you have a funny story to tell? Has an experience in your life changed you? Have you created or invented something?
    Therefore direct advice will be when you present your case please make a strong essay highlighting your achievements in your life.
    Furthermore, judges want to read scholarship essays that are free of any clichés or overused phrases. Try to be as original as possible. And the following should go without saying, but you’d be surprised: don’t let Mom or Dad write your essay.
  6. Honesty and Transparency
    Finally, scholarship judges just want to read about the truth. Don’t embellish or present yourself in a completely different light just because you think it will garnish attention. The committee wants to see you – the real you. After all, winning a scholarship isn’t just receiving money to pay for college; it’s representing that particular brand, organization or special interest. You don’t just become a scholarship winner; you become part of their family – their legacy.
  7. Interview
    The University or mediating agency at last after verifying and scrutinizing all the documents and evidence may want to interview the candidate in order to know the candidate in a much better way to check his/her suitability for the scholarship and program both. The interview process may be online or offline.

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