
Reasons to Do Your MBA in France

Access to high-quality business education, fascinating markets, and numerous networking opportunities are all provided by an MBA in France.

One of the most well-known business schools in the world today, INSEAD, was the first European institution to introduce the MBA to the Old Continent and break the norms by shortening the MBA to the now much praised one-year curriculum. The Financial Times ranks INSEAD as the fifth-best MBA programme in the world, topping global rankings.

► Examine MBA programmes offered in various countries.

As of 2015, the Financial Times ranked HEC Paris as the second-best European MBA programme and 16th overall, making it one of the top business schools in the world.

CEMS (Community of European Management Schools) and ESSEC Business School in France are two other highly regarded French institutions.

Strong Economy

France is a typically peaceful and stable nation with one of the largest and most developed economies in the world. The nation’s economy, which is the third largest in Europe and the sixth strongest in the world, gives it a significant advantage in terms of offering employment options, a fulfilling lifestyle, and limitless networking chances.

The credibility of your MBA is enhanced by studying abroad in a nation with a robust economy, which also raises your chances of landing a job and other opportunities while you’re there. This makes it even more compelling to complete your MBA in France.

Business Hub

Paris is renowned as the global centre of fashion, but it also serves as a significant commercial base for many different industries. Paris offers countless options to expand one’s network, start over with a career in a different industry, or close a smart business deal. It is home to brands like Air France and Total S.A., as well as Ubisoft and Chanel. Oh, and did we forget to mention that Paris is also home to Europe’s biggest business district? Yes. It’s called La Défense, and it resembles Wall Street in the United States more than Times Square does in Paris. So it makes sense to do your MBA in France if you want to work with or conduct business with some of the biggest names on the continent.

READ: A Tale of Two Sisters: Europa and Americana

Influence over history

Without a doubt, the French have had a significant impact on history. When the French empire occupied North Africa in the 19th century, they left their mark there. Up until the Evian Accords in 1962, the colonies were governed by France and known as French North Africa. Even though they no longer have direct control over the colonies, the French continue to exercise significant soft (and yes, even hard) power there. Given the continued strong ties between Paris and the governments of the former colonies on a governmental and commercial level, this offers an intriguing addition to France. A day in Paris can open up a lifetime of business chances in Casablanca, so keep that in mind.

For students who are living there full-time while pursuing their MBA, the rich history of France is also likely to be quite alluring. In France’s renowned museums, they will have the opportunity to learn about everything from the royal family to the events of the French Revolution and to admire the creations of illustrious French poets and artists. You may learn something new or become engrossed in a fascinating story about the people who formerly traversed these streets and inhabited these structures thanks to the architecture.

Diversity and Exquisite Society

There are people from various walks of life in France. On the streets of Paris and other regions of the country, you can discover aristocratic sophistication as well as raucous creativity. You’re likely to engage with people from all over the world including those with various interests, personalities, backgrounds, and religions as you walk around and meet people while doing an MBA in France. France offers the singularity of presenting a person to a magnificent society that is both rich in its traditions and outrageous in its audacity. Perhaps nothing is too insane to be seen there.

Bon voyage and happy studies in France!

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