CountriesEuropePhdUnited States of America

PhD programmes Comparison: the US Vs Europe (Part 2)


Many PhD programmes in Europe don’t or only minimally require coursework. Candidates immediately get to work on their dissertation assignments. Regardless of the field, American PhD schools require students to complete two to three years of courses and seminars on subjects related to the entire discipline before beginning work on their dissertation.

Salary and funding

PhD candidates are treated like employees in a number of European nations and are required to sign employment contracts. As employees, PhD candidates contribute to pension, unemployment, and health plans.Students seek university scholarships, outside fellowships, or research grants for funding in nations (such as the UK and Italy) where PhD students are not employees. In comparison to the United States, tuition costs are significantly lower in many European nations. Tuition costs and university funding in America are both highly variable. In comparison to public state institutions, private universities charge more in tuition (though international students usually pay higher tuition at state schools).

The best universities provide five-year funding packages that include a monthly stipend, with tuition and fees covered. They often include conference travel and health insurance. In certain institutions, PhD candidates must compete for fellowships at the university, state, or federal levels. Students who accept teaching or research assistantship positions are paid and receive a portion of their tuition credits.

Comprehensive Exams

The majority of PhD programmes in Europe don’t demand that students complete prerequisite tests to advance in their degrees. There are noteworthy exceptions, such as Sweden, where PhD applicants must complete an oral and written test halfway through their degree. US students typically have to complete a series of extensive tests before beginning their dissertations. Exams measure a student’s proficiency in the key areas of their discipline. There is typically a written and an oral component to exams, though the format will vary slightly depending on the university. Students occasionally have to present an oral defence of their dissertation proposal. The candidate is considered ABD  (all but dissertation) if they have finished all of their coursework and passed all of the necessary tests.

Upcoming opportunities

Some students believe that the US provides PhD students with better employment and academic opportunities. This may be the case given the abundance of colleges and businesses in the US that hire PhD students. Regardless of where you receive your PhD, some experts claim you may need to work hard to secure a fantastic career after receiving your PhD.

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