CountriesEuropePhdUnited States of America

PhD programmes Comparison: the US Vs Europe (Part 1)

Are you considering pursuing a PhD abroad? Before applying, you should be aware of certain significant distinctions between PhD programmes offered in Europe and America. By reading on, you will discover which programme is best for you.


In Europe, obtaining a Master’s degree is frequently a prerequisite for pursuing a PhD. In the US, a lot of PhD programmes accept candidates with only a Bachelor’s degree. Following several years of study and the successful completion of specific tests, students typically receive a Master’s degree as part of their PhD programme. This does not imply that all PhD candidates in American programmes have come directly from undergrad. Many still opt to complete a Master’s degree before going for a PhD. Students with a Master’s degree may not need to take as many courses in some programmes as those with only a Bachelor’s degree, but this isn’t always the case.

Degree Duration

PhD programmes in Europe are less time-consuming than those in the US. For instance, the duration of a PhD in France, Norway, the UK, and Germany is three years. A three-to-four-year PhD is typical throughout Europe. In contrast, the US takes six years on average to complete a degree, with many PhDs in the humanities needing seven or eight years to complete.

Thesis Subject

The thesis subject and advisor for PhD applicants in Europe must be determined at the time of application. Students apply for particular vacant PhD positions that are frequently associated with a professor’s research. They must produce a research proposal for this project as a part of their application. Applicants must still submit a research proposal and are urged to get in touch with potential supervisors before applying. It is also feasible to apply to a department rather than a single position (in the UK, for example). Instead of applying to a particular PhD project, individuals in the US apply to a department’s PhD programme. Students do not choose their thesis topic until their second or third year, even though they must outline their research interests and suggest suitable supervisors in their applications. In reality, before choosing their supervisor and dissertation research, first-year students in many science and engineering programmes move between various labs.

Teaching Requirement

Although teaching is not often required in many nations, PhD candidates occasionally have the chance to do so in Europe. In the US, PhD candidates are frequently expected to instruct undergrads, frequently as teaching assistants in a big lecture class. Twenty to thirty students are led in smaller tutorials by a teaching assistant, who also grades their tests and homework. For two to three years, the majority of PhD candidates will TA one course per semester. Graduate students in several American PhD programmes must take pedagogy courses as a requirement.

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