
International scholarships for engineering students (Part 2)

North America


AFCEA San Diego Scholarship Program – There are numerous scholarships available for engineering, science, and math students to attend school anywhere in the US. It is only open to students from California’s San Diego County.

ASME Mechanical Engineering Scholarships – Scholarships for mechanical engineering students at all degree levels, both inside and outside the US. Students need to be American Society of Mechanical Engineers members (ASME)

ASHRAE Undergraduate Engineering Scholarships – A variety of full-time scholarship opportunities in the sciences and engineering at authorised US colleges. provided with funding from ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers.

Engineers Foundation of Ohio Engineering Scholarships – US financial aid is available for entering engineering students that live in Ohio.

IISE Scholarships and Fellowships – scholarships for US institutions with IISE accreditation and engineering programmes. It is supported by the IISE (Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers) and is available to all US college students.

National GEM Consortium Fellowships – Graduate fellowships and scholarships for engineering students enrolled in PhD or master’s programmes at US institutions that are members of GEM.

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Scholarships – Engineering scholarships for US students at all degree levels from the NSPE.

NEWWA Scholarships – Scholarships from NEWWA (New England Water Works Association) are available to engineering students enrolled in New England-based universities.

Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium – STEM scholarships: similar to the scholarships mentioned above, but targeted at students living in Oregon..

SME Education Foundation Scholarships – STEM Scholarships are available for US students at all academic levels.

SWE Scholarship Program – Grants for women in engineering studying in the US, funded by the Society of Women Engineers (SWE).

TMS Student Academic Scholarships – The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) offers scholarships to US citizens pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees in metallurgical engineering and related fields.


With merit-based fellowships available to explore research possibilities in collaboration with Australian institutions, the Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowships seek to increase the visibility of female role models in STEM fields. You must come from one of the qualified Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) nations to be eligible.

New Zealand

Edna Waddell Undergraduate Scholarships for Women in Technology and Engineering— Scholarships for female students to pursue engineering and technology degrees at New Zealand universities. Only citizens of or permanent residents of New Zealand are permitted.

Energy Education Trust Undergraduate and Honours Scholarships – For undergraduate and honours students pursuing full-time studies in the disciplines of science, economics, and engineering at one of the five participating New Zealand universities, there are 15 scholarships available, providing you have a particular interest in the country’s energy requirements.

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