9 Reasons why the computer-based IELTS Test is a better choice

  1. The examination is significantly more practical.

For some reason, scheduling the computer-based IELTS test seemed simpler and less complicated overall. We were met with a fairly straightforward set of instructions, as opposed to an absurdly lengthy email with lots of DOs and DON’Ts. Reach this location at this time on this date. Simple enough!

  1. The testing facility is futuristic and fantastic.

Yikes, they must have spent some money establishing these new testing centers. It felt as though I was entering the future. As soon as those elevator doors opened, the futuristic design caught my attention. It was so much better than being herded like livestock when I arrived at some remote university.

  1. The staff were really welcoming.

The entire test format shift, in my opinion, has had a significant impact on how the staff communicates with you. There were only two young men there, and they were nice. They weren’t the IELTS bosses like in the previous testing facilities. There was absolutely no hurrying, pressing, or pressure because the test as a whole has been so streamlined. The group of test-takers only had to wait a short while before receiving their complimentary water bottles!

  1. Smaller groupings are preferable to larger ones.

I believe that the small groups were a contributing factor in why everything looked to be so much more laid back. Only 14 people showed up on the day of my test. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like large crowds very much. I’d rather attend a small, cozy gathering any day of the week. Oddly enough, by the time the test was through and we were waiting for our speaking assessments, we had bonded well! Everyone was engaging in friendly conversation with one another as they discussed the test questions and our experiences. The old paper-based test was deemed inferior by all, while the computer-based test was deemed superior.

  1. It’s still really challenging!

Do not let me mislead you; the computer-delivered IELTS is still extremely difficult. However, the setting has improved overall, which has enhanced how you feel before the test, which is crucial.

  1. Writing is now a lot simpler.

By mentioning that, I believe writing has gotten simpler. I went into more detail about why this is, but in a nutshell, I can say that being able to type has a huge impact. A comprehensive explanation is available here.

  1. The new test design seems fairer.

I had this odd feeling of suspicion that my test paper might have been tampered with after finishing my paper-based IELTS and before the papers were collected. For some reason, taking the IELTS on a computer felt fairer. I was confident that the reading and listening assessments would be made entirely by computers, not sluggish or hangry humans. I was aware that the elegant objective machinery would only provide me with correct and incorrect answers (with hopefully fewer of the latter!). I also felt that the test was fairer even though I knew that the examiner would still read my writing because they couldn’t see how sloppy my handwriting is. Crazy, huh?

  1. Utilize the headphones to improve your focus.

I’ll share a tiny secret with you. While writing and taking the reading test, wear your headphones. Despite the fact that there were just 14 people in the room, there wasn’t much noise. It shut out all background noise so I could focus on reading and writing. You are free to do the same! In a sense, the headphones serve as earmuffs.

  1. IELTS test results more quickly!

Since I only took the test yesterday, I haven’t yet received my results, but this test’s final major change over the previous format is that you obtain your results within 4-5 days. In comparison to the paper-based test, that is 8–9 days sooner.

e computer-based IELTS Test is a better choice

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