
5 Motivations For MBA Studying In The Netherlands

Here are some reasons why so many students decide to pursue an MBA in the Netherlands, including the interesting employment options and excellent standard of living.

In 2021, nearly 80,000 foreign students were studying in the Netherlands. This represents an astounding 23% of all students in the country.

However, students aren’t simply coming to the Netherlands to study; Maastricht School of Management (MSM) has observed an increase in the number of international students who choose to remain in the nation following their studies.

In the annual survey conducted of students in 2016, less than 50% of students in the MSM MBA programme reported they wanted to stay in the Netherlands following their degree. This had increased to 83% by 2021.

  1. The standard of living in the Netherlands is high.

The Netherlands’ ranking of fifth in the World Happiness Report 2021 is evidence of the high standard of living in this small European country. The Netherlands consistently ranks among the happiest nations in the world due to its high rankings in terms of personal security, well-being, and environmental quality.

  1. High-quality MBA programmes are offered in the Netherlands.

Nine of the 20 universities in the Netherlands are among the top 200 universities in the world, giving the country a strong showing in international university rankings. Perhaps as a result of the large number of multinational corporations that opt to have their headquarters there, the Netherlands is particularly renowned for the excellence of its business education.

The MBA programmes at MSM have regularly performed well in the EdUniversal Rankings and reached the top ranking in the Netherlands in 2021, in addition to being internationally certified.

  1. The environment for MBA students in the Netherlands is very international.

The vast variety of MBA programmes in the Netherlands is a result of the country’s high percentage of overseas students. For instance, just 8% of MSM’s full-time MBA students are from Europe; the bulk are from Asia, with some from Africa and Latin America.

Students who intend to work in the Netherlands after business school will receive crucial experience in working with multinational teams during their MBA. The advantages of working in a variety of professional situations are well-documented.

  1. The Netherlands provides many types of work visas.

For many students, work visas constitute a barrier to remaining in their home country after graduation in many nations. However, there are numerous opportunities in the Netherlands for students to obtain a desired work visa.

Non-EU students doing an MBA in the Netherlands may apply for an “Orientation year,” during which time they are free to look for employment without the need for a work or residency visa. You can complete the orientation year whenever you like within three years of graduating without having to provide documentation of adequate funds or complete it right away.

  1. There are fascinating MBA career prospects in the Netherlands.

The abundance of work prospects is one of the main factors influencing students’ decisions to study in the Netherlands.

The nation is home to numerous innovative startups in addition to well-known multinational corporations like Heineken, ING, Phillips, and Unilever.

Newer businesses are also making investments in the Netherlands, including Uber,, DHL, Medtronic, and DSM.

The country’s MBA students have several opportunities to gain from networking with motivational businesses while they are studying.

However, there are other options available to students besides those in the Netherlands. After earning an MBA in the Netherlands, one can explore job opportunities in nearby Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France because of the transportation connections throughout Europe, particularly because Maastricht is situated at the borders of Belgium and Germany.

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